Here are some vector drawings I've created using the pen tool during my stay in the Academy of Art University and others.

Tools used:
Adobe Illustrator, Sketch

Backyardigans exercise

We were asked to draw three characters from the Backyardigans and pick a background to add.

Gummy bear mesh

I picked a gummy bear to recreate using Adobe Illustrator's mesh tool

Mobile app logo redesign

For our final prioject in a Digital Applications class, we had to redesign a mobile app logo from Apple's App Store. I chose to redesign 1Password, a password manager app available for iOS and macOS.

DiVR icons

During the initial stages of my thesis project, DiVR, I created these icons for the mobile app wireframes. In the end, these logos were set aside and weren't used for my senior final project.

Logo exploration for DiVR

These are the app logos I created for my senior final project.